Of intense ruby red colour with fiery nuances at the edge of the glass and with large tears of wine. Close your eyes and smell the glass thinking about all kinds of red fruits in all kinds of shapes. The complex and clear aromas are intoxicating.
100 % chardonnay iz ene lege v vasi Kozana. Uspelo nam je poudariti, ker se je že nekaj časa nakazovalo – ta 25 let star vinograd je tako poseben, tako drugačen, da si zasluži svoje vino. Vrhnja plast zemlje je plitva, pod njo je kamnita plast, ki daje vinu mineralnost. Višja lega ohranja svežino. Vino z globino, širino in dolžino. Resničen izraz vinograda in lege, saj je pridelan na enak način kot naš chardonnay »riserva«. Potencial staranja je vsaj 10 let, morda več.Nos je umirjen, tipično chardonnayjevski v mladosti z nekaj začimbami zorenja v lesu. Z mogočnim telesom, masleno teksturo in živahnimi kislinami, ki se prebijejo skozi veliko telo in ga uravnotežijo. Nenehno stimulira čutnice.Hrana: File tune, ki je že v smeri mesa, a je še vedno riba. Z nežno prilogo popra. Zelo dobro očisti usta.
Elegant decanter made of crystal glass. The specially designed product of Steklarna Rogaška adds to the aroma and clarity of the wine.Simply pour into a larger opening, allow to ventilate and then pour into a glass.Enhance your special wine service experience. Also a great gift for all wine lovers.height: 430 mmwidth: 218 mmvol .: 1.8 l
Radikon’s Merlot is an extraordinary story about Collio, an extreme and exciting red wine that has been aged for 5 years in used barrels and bottles. Stunning on the nose with hints of small dehydrated red fruits, touches of medicinal herbs, ethereal references and memories of coffee and licorice. On the palate it is very balanced between tannin, freshness and texture.Wine-making: After taking off the grape stalks, the grape is put in oak vats, where the maceration happens without temperature control and without the addition of any yeasts or other. Grape skins must be always covered with wine: that’s why during all the fermentation the cap is punched down manually 2 – 3 times per day. Maceration still goes on for about one month and a half.Cask aging: After racking the wine lies in old barriques for about 6 years: in the meantime, more than one racking could be necessary. During this process no type of chemical preservative is added to the wine.Racking in bottles: Racking is made without any filtration or clarification, in August 2011, in bottles of 1 liter and 0,50 liters, with no preservatives adding. The wine is aged in bottle before selling for almost two years.Pairing with food: Main dishes featuring red meat.
This now famous company is located in the heart of the Collio. Oslavia ridge that from the bridge of the Isonzo ascends towards San Floriano. It is about hectares of vineyards near the company headquarters and set on steep slopes. The treatment is reduced to the minimum necessary of natural products and therefore is not synthetic product, such as herbicides, systemic phytosanitary products, insecticides, synthetic fertilizers. The grapes are harvested exclusively by hand, stored in boxes and brought to the cellar. Fermentation occurs spontaneously only with the yeasts already present on the grapes. When the alcoholic fermentation ends, the peoples are more pushed up by the carbon dioxide that the fermentation produces and settles gradually on the bottom. The long macerations involve a greater extraction as well as the alcohol and for this reason.Golden yellow color with auburn highlights, the nose offers hints of fresh fruit but also dried fruit. The palate is broad, persistent and salty, slightly tannic, elegant and mineral, with hints of peach and apricot.
Quercus Selection is an assortment of the finest and most elaborate wines from our Quercus line. The red blend harmoniously combines different varieties from carefully selected vineyards, which perfectly represent Brda.
Minuty M je čisto veselje, čista Provansa in čisto posestvo Minuty v steklenici. Čisto veselje zaradi svojega naravnega in lahkotnega sloga. Čista Provansa zaradi izbora grozdja z vseh terroirjev tega geografskega področja, od priobalnih do celinskih in območja Sainte-Victoire. Čista Provansa zaradi oblike steklenice, ki so jo sicer prenovili leta 2014, vendar jo je v šestdesetih letih iznašla in oblikovala Monique Farnet, mama Jean-Etienna in Françoisa Mattona.Revolucionarno obliko steklenice je za svojo sprejela vsa regija, kar dokazuje, da je družina Matton-Farnet že od nekdaj postavljala merila provansalskih vin.In ne nazadnje, čisto posestvo Minuty, ker z intenzivnimi aromami v kombinaciji z lahkimi okusi uteleša slog tega vinarskega posestva.METODAVse pri vrsti M je usmerjeno v ravnovesje in živahnost. Jean-Etienne in François Matton uporabljata predvsem sorto grenaš zaradi njenih elegantnih arom, cinsault zaradi svežine, shiraz zaradi kompleksnosti in kanček priobalne sorte tibouren zaradi prefinjenih arom belega sadja. Osnovna zamisel je ujeti svežo intenzivnost vseh teh sokov.AROMARdečkasto vino je takojšnja uspešnica zaradi intenzivnih arom, ki segajo od izrazitega jagodičevja do tropskega sadja. Na nebu začutimo svežino in lahkotnost s svežim pikantnim in zeliščnim priokusom.IZKUŠNJAVrsta M je idealna izbira vedno in povsod. Postrežemo ohlajeno na 8–10 °C med počitkom in sprostitvijo na terasi ali ob bazenu z olivami in različnimi vrstami prigrizkov, kanapejev, omakami za pomakanje, slanim pecivom, piškoti, grahom z okusom vasabija in zelenjavnim čipsom. Zelo okusen je ob poletnih solatah, npr. s klasično paradižnikovo solato in mocarelo ali solato niçoise. Morski sadeži, npr. lupinarji in kozice. Popečene predjedi.